TAG SALE: 404 N 4th, St Toronto, OH 43964
FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024 | 4 PM-6 PM
SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 2024 | 10 AM-2 PM
Cedar One Realty
404 N 4th, St Toronto, OH 43964
Items include:
Tools, Machinery, Commercial Restaurant Equipment, Household Goods, Furniture, AND MUCH MUCH MORE!
Prices are only available at sale. Customers are required to sign in and will receive a shopping card. Customers will be signed in on a first come first serve basis. They will be given a numbered shopping card. Personal Property sells in its as-is-where-is condition. Cedar One nor the sellers make any guarantees. Purchasers are responsible for the removal of purchased goods. All terms and conditions and other announcements made on the day of the sale are binding and take precedence over any information herein. We accept checks and cash as forms of payment. The seller reserves the right to remove items from the sale.
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